
Static site generator with page-speed optimisations


web-boost - boost your static site development.


Web-boost is a static site generator with page-speed optimisations. You build a dynamic site by using templating language, CSS preprocessor and routing - web-boost will compile it into highly optimised static pages.

  • Uglify, concat & minify javascript files
  • Compile, concat & minify css/scss/sass files
  • Compile & minify twig templates
  • Optimise image files (supported .jpg and .png, others will be skipped)

To speed-up compilation, all the minified files (.min.css and .min.js) will be just concatenated


npm install -g web-boost (Global installation is optional)

Linux users should previously install sudo apt-get install libpng-dev

Demo application

Try the demo application to learn web-boost in practice.


You can also build your application by following the structure


  • Run the application: wb-run* or node node_modules/web-boost/bin/run.js**
  • Prepare for deploy: wb-compile* or node node_modules/web-boost/bin/compile.js**
  • Generate sitemap.xml: wb-sitemap* or node node_modules/web-boost/bin/sitemap.js**

* if web-boost is installed globally, ** - locally



  • If you are facing some issues, please check FAQs, or don't hesitate to open an issue
  • If you have an idea how to improve this module, feel free to contribute or open an issue with enhancement label

We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Projects using web-boost


This repository can be used under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for more details.