a sounboard files package
A soundboard files package with 100+ sounds files!
const { Get, All } = require("soundboard-src")
let sound = await Get("anime", 'arigato') // category and name
let allSounds = await All() // array of all sounds
- ara-ara
- arigato
- fuck-you
- katon
- kawaii
- kiras_laugh
- niconiconii
- oni-chan
- pikapika-42387
- senpai
- turuturu
- bass-boost
- discord-notification
- error
- fart
- okbye
- roblox-death
- shutdown
- tecnobladebruh
- villager
- and-his-name-is-john-cena-1
- badpiggiessong
- bruh
- bullshit
- chaipilo
- chala-ja-bsdk
- coffin-dance
- dammit
- directed-by-robert-b_voI2Z4T
- douche
- enemy-spotted
- fight
- finally
- fucked-up
- helicopter-helicopter
- herewegoagain
- holdup
- how
- iamstupid
- imleaving
- impressingbuttons
- imsogood
- it-was-at-this-moment-that-he-he-knew-he-f-cked-up
- itsuseless
- knackebrod
- land-kara
- lesgo
- loudnoise
- marGyaMadar
- mcdzombie
- nani_Pmxf5n3
- nice
- nikal
- noice
- nonono
- noo
- noway
- nvm
- oh-no-no-no-tik-tok-song-sound-effect
- ok-simp
- omg
- ooeeh
- rickroll
- shutup
- somethingstupid
- suckAdick
- super-idol
- surprise-motherfucker
- tf_nemesis
- thatsagoodone
- the-rap-battle-parody-oh
- toktik
- underthewater
- virus
- wee
- what
- what2
- whoeha
- why-are
- wiener
- wtf
- wurst
- x-files-theme-song-copy
- yeah
- female-orgasm
- fuck
- fuck2
- fuckfuckfuckfuck
- fuckmedaddy
- fuckno
- huge-boobs
- moan
- nsfwEarrape
- orgasmreal
- pussy
- turtlesex
- yamete
- a-few-moments-later-hd
- im-ready
- one-hour-later-spongebob-time-card-96
- sbtrapvinebycarb0n
- spongebob-2000-years-later
- spongebob-dolphin-censor
- spongebob-fail
- spongebob-hi-how-are-ya-
- strongpunch
- you-what-spongebob
Fri Apr 19 2024 05:57:28 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)