
A todo list CLI application

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Stay organized on the go! A lightweight CLI app to manage your tasks and boost productivity, right from the command line!


npm i -g sisi-cli


  • sisi ls - Lists all your tasks [sisi list also does the same].

  • sisi add "task_name" - Creates a new todo. Example: sisi add "Fix bug: works on my machine. 🤷‍♂️".

  • sisi edit <index> <"task_name"> - Edits a todo. [sisi modify also does the same]. Example: sisi edit 2 "I just edited the task in index 2".

  • sisi complete <task_index> - Marks a todo as completed.

  • sisi pending <task_index> - Marks a todo as pending.

  • sisi delete <index1,index2,...> - Delete todos. [sisi remove also does the same].

  • sisi help - Displays available commands.


If you're on Windows, do yourself a favor and use Windows Terminal instead of cmd.exe.
