an universal web application framework using express, react, redux and webpack
React Universal Starter Kit
React Universal Starter Kit is an universal web application framework using express, react, redux and webpack.
Really starter boilerplate with the most popular technologies:
- [ ]Universal rendering, dynamic routing, async redux reducers, async data fetching and code-splitting.
- [ ]React as the view.
- [ ]React Router as the router.
- [ ]Redux's futuristic Flux implementation.
- [ ]Immutable-js provides persistent data collections which increase efficiency and simplicity.
- [ ]Express server.
- [ ]Webpack 2 for bundling and "Tree-Shaking" support.
- [ ]Babel for ES6 and ES7 transpiling.
- [ ]React Hot Loader 3 to tweak React components in real time.
- [ ]nodemon to monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server.
- [ ]axios for universal data fetching/rehydration on the client.
- [ ]redux-thunk as the middleware to deal with asynchronous action.
- [ ]react-router-redux to keep your router in sync with Redux state.
- [ ]react-helmet to manage title, meta, styles and scripts tags on both server and client.
- [ ]webpack-isomorphic-tools to allow require() work for statics both on client and server.
- [ ]Webpack Dev Middleware serves the files emitted from webpack over the Express server.
- [ ]Webpack Hot Middleware allows you to add hot reloading into the Express server.
- [ ]react-addons-shallow-compare for a performance boost, it works perfectly with immutable data structure.
- [ ]morgan the HTTP request logger for server side debugging.
- [ ]Redux Devtools Extension for next generation developer experience.
- [ ]ESLint to maintain a consistent javascript code style (Airbnb's code style).
- [ ]StyleLint to maintain a consistent css/scss code style.
- [ ]CSS and SASS support with PostCSS for advanced transformations (e.g. autoprefixer). CSS Modules enabled.
- [ ]Image (with image-webpack-loader for optimizing) and Font support.
- [ ]Split vendor's libraries from client bundle.
- [ ]No other view engines, just javascript based HTML rendering template.
- [ ]Shared app config between development and production.
- [ ]404 error page and redirect handling.
- [ ]karma, mocha, enzyme, chai and sinon as the integrated solution for wrting unit tests.
- [ ]Testing code coverage support.
- [ ]Happypack
Getting Started
- You can start by clone the repository on your local machine by running:
git clone
cd cms
- Install all of the npm packages:
yarn install
- Start to run it:
# development
yarn run serve # Building bundle and running development server
Now the app should be running at http://localhost:3000/
or start production server
# production
yarn run serve:dist
Now the app should be running at http://localhost:8080/