
Node.js Native HDFS library wrapper


Node.js Native HDFS library wrapper

Native hdfs library:


To build nhdfs the following is required

Node.js(8.6+) the library uses ABI-stable N-API for building the native Addon.
cmake (2.8+)                    http://www.cmake.org/
boost (tested on 1.53+)         http://www.boost.org/
google protobuf                 http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
libxml2                         http://www.xmlsoft.org/
kerberos                        http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/
libuuid                         http://sourceforge.net/projects/libuuid/
libgsasl                        http://www.gnu.org/software/gsasl/
openssl                         https://www.openssl.org/



  1. the module must be installed before use and N-API must be enabled on the command-line by adding --napi-modules (no need that option starting Node.js 8.6.0).
  2. For Mac users, openssl must be installed with brew
const createFS = require('nhdfs').createFS;
const fs = createFS({service:"namenode", port:9000});
fs.list(".").then((list) => {
    list.forEach((element) => {
.catch( (err) => {

Ways to connect

  • By defining LIBHDFS3_CONF env variable: path to libhdfs3 config file or to hdfs-site.xml.
    or by defining HADOOP_CONF_DIR env variable: Module will check if it has hdfs-site.xml inside.
    or by defining HADOOP_CONF_DIR env variable defined: Module will check if it has hdfs-site.xml inside.
    const createFS = require('nhdfs').createFS;
    const fs = createFS({service:"nameservice"});
  • By providing path to config fileHADOOP_CONF_DIR env variable defined. Module will check if it has hdfs-site.xml inside.
    const createFS = require('nhdfs').createFS;
    const fs = createFS({service:"nameservice1", configurationPath:'/opt/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml'});
  • By providing NameNode host and port
    const createFS = require('nhdfs').createFS;
    const fs = createFS({service:"namenodehost", port:9000});

See examples for more usage.