
Enable JSX for Template Literal Tags based projects


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Enable JSX for Template Literal Tags based projects.


  • a createPragma(tag, config?) utility to have a React.createElement like function to use as pragma
  • a bind utility to mimic .prop=${value} in the template
  • automatic onEventName to @eventName conversion
  • automatic ?prop=${value} conversion in the template, when the property is boolean
  • optionally boost performance via @ungap/plugin-transform-static-jsx, able to create best template literals tags' arguments


See test/index.jsx to see all features applied.

/** @jsx h *//** @jsxFrag h */

// your template literal library of choice
const {render, html} = require('uhtml-ssr');

// this module utils
const {bind, createPragma} = require('jsx2tag');

// create your `h` / pragma function
const h = createPragma(html);
// if your env works already with `React.createElement`, use:
// const React = {createElement: createPragma(html)};

// any component (passed as template value)
const Bold = ({children}) => html`<strong>${children}</strong>`;

// any generic value
const test = 123;

// test it!
const myDocument = (
  <p class="what" test={bind(test)} onClick={console.log}>
    <Bold>Hello</Bold>, <input type="password" disabled={false} />
    <span id="greetings">Hello</span>

render(String, myDocument);
// <p class="what" test="123"><strong>Hello</strong>, <input type="password"><span id="greetings">Hello</span></p>

How To Transpile JSX

Specify pragma and pragmaFrag or use this syntax on top:

/** @jsx h */
/** @jsxFrag h */

Otherwise, follow @Robbb_J post about minimal requirements and you'll be good.

A huge thanks to him for writing such simple, step by step, guide.

How to render keyed components

The config object accepts a keyed(tagName, props) callback that can return a keyed version of the component.

/** @jsx h *//** @jsxFrag h */
import {createPragma} from '//unpkg.com/jsx2tag?module';
import {render, html} from '//unpkg.com/uhtml?module';

// used as weakMap key for global keyed references
const refs = {};
const h = createPragma(html, {
  // invoked when a key={value} is found in the node
  // to render regular elements (or µbe classes)
  keyed(tagName, {key}) {
    const ref = refs[tagName] || (refs[tagName] = {});
    return html.for(ref, key);

render(document.body, <div key={'unique-id'} />);

Alternatively, each library might have its own way, but the gist of this feature, whenever available, is that the key property is all we're after:

/** @jsx h *//** @jsxFrag h */

import {createPragma} from '//unpkg.com/jsx2tag?module';
import {render, html} from '//unpkg.com/uhtml?module';

const h = createPragma(html);

const App = ({name, key}) => html.for(App, key)`Hello ${name} 👋`;

render(document.body, <App name="JSX" key={'specific-key'} />);

Conditional keyed components are also possible.

Here another uhtml example:

/** @jsx h *//** @jsxFrag h */

import {createPragma} from '//unpkg.com/jsx2tag?module';
import {render, html} from '//unpkg.com/uhtml?module';

const h = createPragma(html);

const App = ({name, key}) => {
  const tag = key ? html.for(App, key) : html;
  return tag`Hello ${name} 👋`;

render(document.body, <App name="JSX" key={'specific-key'} />);

In few words, there's literally nothing stopping template literal tags libraries to be keyed compatible.