
React generator for the boost-start project.

React generator Boost-start

Out of the box this generator will create a solid React project up to modern day standards. You can choose to include several libraries and technologies we use often at Code R. Just like the other generators in the Boost-start project, the generated project is up to the standards we prefer at Code R, which may or may not align with yours.


Use within the Boost-start project

Coming soon

Use seperately

  1. Install with yarn:
yarn global add generator-react-boost-start

or with npm:

npm install -g generator-react-boost-start
  1. cd where you want to create the project and run the generator:
yo react-boost-start


Do you have any ideas or have you spotted a bug? Feel free to open an issue. Pull requests are also welcome although it should be noted this project is mainly meant for usage within Code R and our workflow so a fork might be better suited.