
A comprehensive collection of JavaScript utility functions to streamline common tasks.


fomautils is a collection of essential utility functions for strings, numbers, arrays, and more. These functions are designed to streamline development tasks, enhance code readability, and boost your productivity.


Using npm:

npm install fomautils


import {
  // Add more functions here...
} from 'fomautils';

Available Functions

Function Input Type Return Type Description
capitalizeFirstLetter inputString: string string string Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
formatNumberWithCommas number: number number string Formats a number with commas for improved readability.
generateRandomString length: number number string Generates a random string of the specified length.
isPalindrome inputString: string string boolean Checks if a string is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards).
deepCloneObject obj: T T T Deep clones an object to prevent reference sharing.
validateEmailAddress email: string string boolean Validates if a given string is a valid email address.
removeDuplicatesFromArray arr: T[] T[] T[] Removes duplicates from an array and returns the unique values.
toTitleCase inputString: string string string Converts a string to title case, capitalizing the first letter of each word.
reverseString inputString: string string string Reverses the characters in a given string.
truncateString inputString: string, maxLength: number string, number string Truncates a string to a specified length and appends an ellipsis if needed.
formatWalletAddress walletAddress: string string string Formats a wallet address for display by showing only the first and last three characters.
toCamelCase inputString: string string string Converts a string to camelCase (e.g., "hello_world" to "helloWorld").
sumArrayElements arr: number[] number[] number Calculates the sum of all elements in an array of numbers.
replaceAllOccurrences inputString: string, searchValue: string, replaceValue: string string, string, string string Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring in a given string.
calculateAverage arr: number[] number[] number Calculates the average of all elements in an array of numbers.
generateRandomNumberArray length: number, minValue: number, maxValue: number number, number, number number[] Generates an array of random numbers within a specified range and length.
mergeArrays ...arrays: T[][] T[] T[] Merges multiple arrays into a single array.


Contributions to fomautils are welcome! If you find any issues or have additional functions to suggest, please feel free to submit a pull request.


fomautils is released under the ISC License.