
A Flux Store implementation that uses Backbone for CRUD actions. Returns Immutable.js objects to allow for pure rendering.

Flux CRUD Store

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A Flux Store implementation which makes it easy to perform CRUD Actions by hooking into Backbone. It also takes advantage of Immutable.js so that you can use PureRenderMixin in all of your components to boost performance! An article by Facebook on using Immutable.js with Flux.

Full Example

See https://github.com/golmansax/todo-app-in-rails-flux for an app that uses all of the features of this library. It is a Rails app, so all of the JS lies within app/assets/javascripts directory. The code might be a little confusing though =p.



var CrudStore = require('flux-crud-store').Store;

// (Optional) subclass of Backbone collection; 'url' has to be defined to be tied to a server
var TurtleCollection = require('backbone').Collection.extend({
  url: '/turtles'

// (optional) subclass of Immutable.Record; viewModel instances will be passed through the Store API
var TurtleViewModel = require('immutable').Record({
  id: null,
  name: ''

var TurtleStore = CrudStore.extend({
  collection: TurtleCollection,
  viewModel: TurtleViewModel

Hook up to React component (assuming Store already has data):

function getStateFromStore(id) {
  return {
    // following returns:
    //  - instance of TurtleViewModel if viewModel is set
    //  - a plain JS object otherwise
    turtle: TurtleStore.get(id)

    // Other exposed getter is TurtleStore.getAll(), this returns:
    //  - an Immutable.OrderedMap if viewModel is set, with:
    //    - a plain JS object otherwise
    //    - keys of Backbone cids
    //    - values of TurtleViewModel instances
    //  - a plain JS array otherwise
    // See http://facebook.github.io/immutable-js/ for more on immutable

    // turtles: TurtleStore.getAll()

var MyComponent = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    id: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,

  // We are able to get the benefits of PureRenderMixin because we are using Immutable objects!
  // https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/pure-render-mixin.html
  mixins: [React.addons.PureRenderMixin],

  componentDidMount: function () {

  componentWillUnmount: function () {

  _onChange: function () {

  componentWillReceiveProps: function (newProps) {

  render: function () {
    return <div>this.state.turtle.name</div>;

See react-bind-mixin for a Mixin that binds a Store to a React Component to skip the setup!


var CrudActions = require('flux-crud-store').Actions;

// Assuming TurtleStore defined in previous section
var TurtleActions = CrudActions.boundTo(TurtleStore);

Following are actions that do not make server requests. (They only make changes to the Store.)

var id = 'some-arbitrary-id';
var data = ({ name: 'Leonardo' });


TurtleActions.update(id, data);


Following are actions that make server requests! (They make changes to the Store and then make an appropriate server request.) They require url to be set on the Backbone Collection passed into CrudStore.extend (see previous section).

// Following examples assume that 'url' set on Backbone Collection passed to CrudStore
// is '/turtles' (can see previous section for how this is hooked up)
var id = 'some-arbitrary-id';
var data = ({ name: 'Leonardo' });

// POSTs to '/turtles'

TurtleActions.updateAndSave(id, data);
// PUTs to '/turtles/id'

// DELETEs to '/turtles/id'

// Following saves all unsaved changes for a specific model
// PUTs to '/turtles/id'

Following are actions that also make server requests, and affect the getters defined in the Store.

// assuming nothing is in the store
console.log(TurtleStore.getAll()); // returns an empty Immutable.OrderedMap

TurtleStore.fetchAll(); // GETs to '/turtles'

// BEFORE the server request returns
console.log(TurtleStore.getAll()); // returns { isLoading: true };
console.log(TurtleStore.get('any-id')); // returns { isLoading: true };

// AFTER server request returns
console.log(TurtleStore.getAll()); // returns Immutable.OrderedMap as described above
console.log(TurtleStore.get('any-id')); // returns instance of TurtleViewModel or null


// BEFORE the server request returns
console.log(TurtleStore.get('any-id')); // returns { isLoading: true };
console.log(TurtleStore.get('another-id')); // not affected

// AFTER server request returns
console.log(TurtleStore.get('any-id')); // returns instance of TurtleViewModel or null



npm install flux-crud-store --save
var CrudStore = require('flux-crud-store').Store;
var CrudActions = require('flux-crud-store').Actions;


bower install flux-crud-store
// Assuming dist/flux_crud_store.js has been included without CommonJS or RequireJS
var CrudStore = FluxCrudStore.Store;
var CrudActions = FluxCrudStore.Actions;