
EUI-BOOSTER-TOOL ================================================ parse eui *.exml into *.js from runtime to compiletime


parse eui *.exml into *.js from runtime to compiletime

Boosting your eui-system,Speed upgrade 400+%

Developed by Egret Technology

Current Version: v0.2.7

New Features:

support tween animation nodes.    


* v0.2.6 unknown 
    fix bug:make the version of dependencies stable in case of cli crash.
* v0.2.5 stable
    fix bug:when first indicate "--fixedConfig" generate a new config
    fix bug:generated js file have 'let' instead of 'var' which  
* v0.2.4 unknown 
    add `-cfg` to give a configFile path,which indicates static json euibooster generated by searching typescripts under <projectDir>.
    add `--fixedConfig` to ignore the generative process if there's no modified *.ts,autoGenerated as <projectDir>/.euiboostercfg    
* v0.2.3 unknown
    Use Incremental Compile Feature,add `-i` behand `euibooster`
    If you want to develop in this boosting mode,keep `-i` and you'll no need to run `clean`
* v0.2.2 unknown
    add alternative param `-out <outDir>` 
        When this param set,the .thm.json files under `<egretPublishDir>` won't be overwritten.
        They will be written into 'outDir' and if so you'll no need to run clean any more.
        More flexible and easier to batch.
    optimize the format of dirPaths,`<egretProjectDir>`and`<outDir>`relative to pwd while `<egretPublishDir>` relative to `<egretProjectDir>`.
 `<egretPublishDir>` can be pointed to an unreal publish dir,it provides a domain searching for `*.thm.json`,both publish-version or develop-version be OK.
* v0.2.1 stable
    strictly check id property
* v0.2.0 stable
    Add support for w:id property in exml file.
    parse style property first in exml (commits by himuil Oct 11,2016)
* v0.1.9 stable 
    You can express these attributes with percent:"left","right","top","bottom","horizontalCenter","verticalCenter".
    You can override property "itemRenderer","itemRendererSkinName" and "skinName" in your Custom Class which inherit eui base Class.
* v0.1.8 unstable
* v0.1.7 stable


install node or upgrade your node to latest version.

upgrade your project to egret engine v3.1.4(or later)


npm install -g cli-eui-new

1.boost a published project.

euibooster [-i] <egretProjectDir> <egretPublishDir> [ -out <outDir> ] [--fixedConfig] [-cfg <configFilePath>]

2.recover from boosting state.(if -out set,no need to run clean)

euibooster clean <egretProjectDir> <egretPublishDir> [ -out <outDir> ]