
An opinionated, small form generator library for javascript


Boost Forms

What is it?

An opinionated, small form generator library for javascript objects.

It basically turns this object:

let obj = {
    userName: "",
    password: "",
    rememberMe: true

without any configuration or schema, into this:

Login Form

Why boost-forms?

  • Works with vanilla JS
  • React and svelte support
  • No schema or configuration needed to generate forms (although supported)
  • Plugins for popular UI kits (bootstrap, bulma, etc.)
  • API is as close to the DOM API as possible


npm i boost-forms


yarn add boost-forms

You may want to include plugins

  • boost-forms-dom for vanilla JS (without any framework)
  • boost-forms-react for react
  • boost-forms-svelte for svelte

Visit boost-forms-plugins for all plugins.

Quick Start

To generate the above login form,

  1. Create your model:
let forObj = {
    email: '',
    password: '',
    rememberMe: false
  1. Render the form on the DOM:

For vanilla javascript:

import {renderForm} from 'boost-forms'

renderForm(forObj, document.body)

For React:

import {ReactForm} from 'boost-forms-react'

<ReactForm forObject={forObj} />

Look at boost-forms-react

For Svelte:

import SvelteForm from 'boost-forms-svelte'

<SvelteForm forObject={forObj} />

Look at boost-forms-svelte

This will automatically render the following HTML:

    <label for="userName">User Name</label> 
    <input name="userName" colspan="1" id="userName" type="name" value="">
    <label for="password">Password<span style="color: red;">*</span></label> 
    <input name="password" colspan="1" id="password" required="" type="password" value="">
    <input type="checkbox" name="rememberMe" colspan="1" id="rememberMe" checked=""> 
    <label for="rememberMe" style="display: inline-block;">Remember Me</label>
    <input type="submit" name="$$submit" colspan="1" id="$$submit">

Quick Start 2

Let's generate form for a more complicated registration model:

let forObj = {
    name: '',
    email: '',
    password: '',
    confirmPassword: '',
    birthDate: '',
    packages: ['newsLetter', 'premiumSupport'],
    preferredTime: '00:00:00',
    rating: 0

Will automatically render:

Advanced form

You can see that:

  • Field types were auto guessed from field names
  • Humanizes label texts (confirmPassword becomes Confirm Password)
  • Generates native <input> tags
  • Sets required fields for password inputs

Configuring the Form

While the library includes good set of defaults, the form can be configured as needed.

All valid HTML <form> tag attributes can be used. For example:

const formConfig = {
    method: 'POST',
    enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
    class: 'form columns',
    onsubmit: e => {alert('Submitting...')}

Then create a complete config and pass the configuration to renderForm:

renderForm(forObj, document.body, formConfig)

All available form configuration options

Option Type Description Default Value
readonly boolean Makes all fields readonly false
hideLabels boolean Hides labels of all fields false
excludeSubmitButton boolean Doesn't include a submit button automatically false
scale number Zoom factor for fields. Shows large or small fields 1
All valid html <form> attributes - Will show up in the <form> tag. These include id, action, style, class, onsubmit, etc. -

Configuring Fields

Every individual field can be configured in the form configuration using fieldsConfig key. For example, to make the password field readonly:

const options = {
    fieldsConfig: {
        password: {readonly: true}

Note: All valid HTML input attributes can be used here.

All available field configuration

Option Description Type Default Value
readonly Makes the field not editable boolean false
label Text that's shown in the label string Automatically guessed
hideLabel Whether to generate label for the input boolean false
type Specify the type of value for the field string Automatically guessed
helpText Specify a description for the input string ''
validate Specify validations for the field - Refer section: Validation
scale Specify whether to show big or small input controls. number 1
colSpan Column span, if the form has more than 1 column number 1
maxlength Maximum length of text allowed string ''
multiple If multiple values are allowed (only for select and radio types) boolean false
choices Sets of choices the user can pick from (only for select and radio types) string[] or Object with key-value pairs null
readonly Whether the field is read-only boolean false
All valid html <input> attributes - Will show up in the <input> tag. These include id, placeholder, style, class, onchange, etc. -

Field Types

The type of a field can be specified using type attribute in the field config. All <input> tag's type attribute values are supported. For example, to set types for 'confirm password' and comment fields:

const forObj = {
    name: '',
    password: '',
    confirmPassword: '',
    comment: ''

const formConfig = {
    fieldsConfig: {
        confirmPassword: {type: 'password'},
        comment: {type: 'textarea', label: 'Any Comments?'}

Supported field types are:

'text' | 'email' | 'password' | 'file' | 'files' | 'select' | 'autocomplete' |
'checkbox' | 'toggle' | 'number' | 'date' | 'time' | 'textarea' | 'markdown' | 'reCaptcha' |
'radio' | 'html' | 'color' | 'datetime-local' | 'month' | 'year' | 'range' | 'reset' | 'tel' | 'url' | 'week' |
'multiselect-checkbox' | 'composite' | 'version' | 'avatar' | 'city' | 'country' | 'ipv4' | 'ipv6' | 'guid' |
'isbn' | 'location' | 'language' | 'money' | 'timezone' | 'title' | 'gallery' | 'submit'

Note: Not all the above types can be rendered right now. It is a work in progress.

Select types

To use select (drop-down) field type use choices field to specify options:

let options = {
    fieldsConfig: {
        userType: {
            type: 'select',
            placeholder: '-- Select User Type --',
            choices: ['Admin', 'Guest', 'Member']

Will render a select input like:

<select id="userType" name="userType">
  <option value="">-- Select User Type --</option>
  <option value="Admin">Admin</option>
  <option value="Guest">Guest</option>
  <option value="Member">Member</option>

To use different values and labels for the options, use an object with key-value pairs:

choices: {AD: 'Admin', GU: 'Guest', ME: 'Member'}

Will render a select input like:

<option value="AD">Admin</option>
<option value="GU">Guest</option>
<option value="ME">Member</option>

Radio types

To use radio (choices) field type use:

let options = {
    fieldsConfig: {
        userType: {
            type: 'radio',
            choices: ['Admin', 'Guest', 'Member']

Will render radio inputs like:

  <input name="userType" type="radio" value="Admin"> Admin
  <input name="userType" type="radio" value="Guest"> Guest
  <input name="userType" type="radio" value="Member"> Member

To use different values and labels for the options, use an object with key-value pairs:

choices: {AD: 'Admin', GU: 'Guest', ME: 'Member'}

Multiple choices (select and radio types)

To enable multiple values for both select and radio types, just set multiple to true

let options = {
    fieldsConfig: {
        packages: {
            type: 'radio',
            choices: ['Newsletter', 'PremiumSupport'],
            multiple: true

This will change the field type to set of checkboxes as:

Multiple choices


Validation specs can be added to either on the form level or individual fields. There are good set of validation functions already included in this library:

import {notEmpty, validName} from 'boost-forms'

const options = {
    fieldsConfig: {
        name: {validate: [notEmpty, validName]}

The validate field would accept:

  • A custom method that returns an error message
  • A built-in validate method (like notEmpty)
  • A built-in validator generator (like getMinLenValidator(4))
  • An array of, any of the above
  • An async server side validator, like:
async (val) => {
    return 'true' == await (await fetch('' + val)).json()
        ? 'User name already taken'
        : ''

Then this validation result can be rendered:

import {validateForm} from 'boost-forms'

let validationResult = validateForm(forObj)
renderForm(forObj, document.body, formConfig, validationResult)

Note: If your validator is an async method (includes api calls for example), you should you validateFormAsync() instead.

let validationResult = await validateFormAsync(forObj)

Built-in validation methods:

Method Description For input types Usage
notEmpty Checks if input is empty, null or whitespace any notEmpty
validName Check if string is a valid personal name string validName
getMinLenValidator Returns a validator that checks minimum string length string getMinLenValidator(4)
getStrongPasswordValidator Returns a validator that checks for a password's strength string getStrongPasswordValidator({minLength: 6, specialChars: true})
fileTypeValidator Returns a file type validator file fileTypeValidator('image/png')
imgTypeFile Checks if an uploaded file is a valid image file imgFileType
maxFileSize Checks if an uploaded file size exceeds the given size file maxFileSize

Using custom validation functions is also easy. Just return an error message if it should fail, empty string otherwise.

const options = {
    fieldsConfig: {
        age: {validate: val => (val < 18 ? 'Age must be 18 or above' : '')}

Validations can also be done on the form level as:

const options = {
    validate: form => (form.password != form.confirmPassword ? 'Passwords do not match.' : '')

To run validations manually:

import {validateForm} from 'boost-web-form'

let validationResult = await validateForm(forObj, formConfig)

Would give a validation result such as:

validationResult = {
    hasErrors: true,
    message: '', // Form level validation errors, if any
    fields: {
        email: {hasError: true, message: 'Please, fill in this field.'},
        password: {hasError: true, message: 'Password is too weak.'},
        name: {hasError: false, message: ''}