Found: The dial in the brain that controls the immune system
  • NEWS
  • 01 May 2024

Scientists identify the brain cells that regulate inflammation, and pinpoint how they keep tabs on the immune response.

  1. Giorgia Guglielmi
    1. Giorgia Guglielmi is a science journalist in Basel, Switzerland.

    You can also search for this author in PubMed  Google Scholar

Scientists have long known that the brain plays a part in the immune system — but how it does so has been a mystery. Now, scientists have identified cells in the brainstem that sense immune cues from the periphery of the body and act as master regulators of the body’s inflammatory response.

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  1. Jin, H., Li, M., Jeong, E., Castro-Martinez, F. & Zuker, C. S. Nature (2024).

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"title": "Found: The dial in the brain that controls the immune system",
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"author": "Giorgia Guglielmi",
"date": "2024-05-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"description": "Scientists identify the brain cells that regulate inflammation, and pinpoint how they keep tabs on the immune response.",
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"publisher": "Nature",
"title": "Found: the dial in the brain that controls the immune system",
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"url": "",
"title": "Found: the dial in the brain that controls the immune system",
"description": "Scientists identify the brain cells that regulate inflammation, and pinpoint how they keep tabs on the immune response. Scientists identify the brain cells that regulate inflammation, and pinpoint how they keep tabs on the immune response.",
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"content": "<div>\n <article>\n<div>\n <div>\n <ul>\n <li><span>NEWS</span></li>\n <li>01 May 2024</li>\n </ul>\n <div>\n <p>\n Scientists identify the brain cells that regulate inflammation, and pinpoint how they keep tabs on the immune response.\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <ul>\n By\n <li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">\n Giorgia Guglielmi</a><sup><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">0</a></sup></li>\n</ul>\n<div>\n <ol>\n <li>\n <span>Giorgia Guglielmi</span>\n <ol>\n <li>\n <p>Giorgia Guglielmi is a science journalist in Basel, Switzerland.</p>\n </li>\n </ol>\n <div>\n <div><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">View author publications</a></p></div>\n <div>\n <p>You can also search for this author in <span><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";term=Giorgia+Guglielmi\">PubMed</a>\n <span> </span><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";btnG=Search+Scholar&amp;as_sauthors=%22Giorgia%2BGuglielmi%22\">Google Scholar</a>\n </span></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n </ol>\n</div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <ul>\n <li>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\";\">\n <span>Twitter</span>\n </a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">\n <span>Facebook</span>\n </a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"mailto:?subject=Found:%20the%20dial%20in%20the%20brain%20that%20controls%20the%20immune%20system&amp;\">\n <span>Email</span>\n </a>\n </li>\n</ul>\n </div>\n</div>\n <p>Scientists have long known that <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">the brain plays a part in the immune system</a> — but how it does so has been a mystery. Now, scientists have identified cells in the brainstem that sense <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">immune cues from the periphery of the body</a> and act as master regulators of the body’s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">inflammatory response</a>.</p>\n <div>\n <h2 id=\"access-options\">Access options</h2>\n <section><div>\n <p>\n Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals\n </p>\n <p>\n Get Nature+, our best-value online-access subscription\n </p>\n <div>\n <p>\n <span>$29.99<span> / 30 days</span></span>\n </p>\n <p>cancel any time</p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span>Learn more</span></a>\n </p></div>\n </div><div>\n <p>Subscribe to this journal</p>\n <p>\n Receive 51 print issues and online access\n </p>\n <div>\n <p>$199.00 per year</p>\n <p>only $3.90 per issue</p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span>Learn more</span></a>\n </p></div>\n </div><div><p>Rent or buy this article</p><p>Prices vary by article type</p><p><span>from</span>$1.95</p><p><span>to</span>$39.95</p><div><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";r3_referer=nature\"><span>Learn more</span></a></p></div></div><p>Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during checkout</p></section>\n <h3>Additional access options:</h3>\n <ul>\n <li>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\";\">Log in</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Learn about institutional subscriptions</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Read our FAQs</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Contact customer support</a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n <p><em>doi:</em></p>\n <div><h2 id=\"Bib1\">References</h2><div><ol><li><p>Jin, H., Li, M., Jeong, E., Castro-Martinez, F. &amp; Zuker, C. S. <i>Nature</i> (2024).</p><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Article</a> \n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\";title=&amp;journal=Nature&amp;doi=10.1038%2Fs41586-024-07469-y&amp;publication_year=2024&amp;author=Jin%2CH.&amp;author=Li%2CM.&amp;author=Jeong%2CE.&amp;author=Castro-Martinez%2CF.&amp;author=Zuker%2CC.%20S.\">\n Google Scholar</a> \n </p></li></ol><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";flavour=references\">Download references</a></p></div></div>\n <div>\n <p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";author=Giorgia%20Guglielmi&amp;contentID=10.1038%2Fd41586-024-01259-2&amp;copyright=Springer%20Nature%20Limited&amp;publication=0028-0836&amp;publicationDate=2024-05-01&amp;publisherName=SpringerNature&amp;orderBeanReset=true\">Reprints and permissions</a></p>\n </div>\n <h2 id=\"related-articles\">Related Articles</h2>\n <ul>\n <li>\n <p>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">\n <img src=\"\" />\n Your brain could be controlling how sick you get — and how you recover\n </a>\n </p>\n </li>\n <li>\n <p>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">\n <img src=\"\" />\n Guardians of the brain: how a special immune system protects our grey matter\n </a>\n </p>\n </li>\n <li>\n <p>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">\n <img src=\"\" />\n Can autoimmune diseases be cured? 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"author": "Guglielmi, Giorgia",
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"published": "2024-05-01",
"ttr": 113,
"type": "article"