Show HN: I made an online financial modeling platform for stocks
equityval logo

Stock valuation for the everyday investor

Create, save, and share valuation models for any public company to inform your next investment decision

The one stop shop researching your next great investment

Fully Customizable Models

Edit every input for a DCF model to fine tune your valuation to your exact assumptions.

Accurate Data

Get the most up to date and accurate data for any public company to enhance your research.

Model Dashboard

Save your models to view and tweak them at any time.

Try a model with the most popular stocks

"by": "trevzercap",
"descendants": 4,
"id": 40228332,
"kids": [
"score": 5,
"time": 1714592515,
"title": "Show HN: I made an online financial modeling platform for stocks",
"type": "story",
"url": ""
"author": null,
"date": null,
"description": "Stock valuation for the everyday investor. Create, save, and analyze DCF models for any stock. Research all your investment ideas on EquityVal.",
"image": "",
"logo": null,
"publisher": null,
"title": "EquityVal",
"url": ""
"url": "",
"title": "EquityVal",
"description": "Stock valuation for the everyday investorCreate, save, and share valuation models for any public company to inform your next investment decision The one stop shop researching your next great investmentFully...",
"links": [
"image": "",
"content": "<div><div><img alt=\"equityval logo\" srcset=\";w=128&amp;q=75 1x,;w=256&amp;q=75 2x\" src=\";w=256&amp;q=75\" /></div><div><h2>Stock valuation for the <span>everyday investor</span></h2><p>Create, save, and share valuation models for any public company to inform your next investment decision </p></div><div><h2>The one stop shop researching your next great investment</h2><div><div><svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\"></svg><div><h3>Fully Customizable Models</h3><p>Edit every input for a DCF model to fine tune your valuation to your exact assumptions.</p></div></div><div><svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\"></svg><div><h3>Accurate Data</h3><p>Get the most up to date and accurate data for any public company to enhance your research.</p></div></div><div><svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\"></svg><div><h3>Model Dashboard</h3><p>Save your models to view and tweak them at any time.</p></div></div></div></div><div><h3>Try a model with the most popular stocks</h3></div></div>",
"author": "",
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"published": "",
"ttr": 17,
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